I just installed Ubuntu 13.10 GNOME edition on my laptop and so far it seems pretty solid.
On my main PC I switch between elementary OS and Ubuntu (normally standard Ubuntu with GNOME Shell added on after I find this more stable than GNOME edition). What distribution do you run on your main desktop/laptop? My main thing is to make my desktop look good and to listen to some good sounds. I’m not a hardcore Linux guy who can do all these weird and wonderful things - I use what I am comfortable using.

I get bored quickly of Windows or OS X and return to my main PC pretty quickly. I get annoyed that I can’t make my computer look or work how I would like it to when I use anything other than Ubuntu or another distro. I find them both clunky and difficult to use. I love the freedom to do whatever the hell I want with my MY computer that I paid for 🙂 I still use Windows/OS X at home, but not for long. I love the versatility of it, the speed of booting/shutdown, etc. I work at a local electrical wholesaler as the estimating/all-round-Mr.-PC-Fix-It guy. I’m Matt Dobson (commonly known as Dobbie), 34 from New Zealand. You can follow Linux Rig on Google+ here and follow me on Twitter here. You can find more of The Linux Setup here. Productivity is great, but sometimes you just want your desktop environment to look cool. It’s a change from what people usually discuss here and for me it’s particularly enlightening because I tend to forget about the visual flexibility of Linux. Matt’s interview is interesting because of his focus on the visual aesthetics of his desktop. I found Matt through Lifehacker, where his desktops have often been featured ( more of his work can be seen here).